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Welcome! This website was created on 20 Jun 2009 and last updated on 20 Jan 2025. The family trees on this site contain 4253 relatives and 733 photos. If you have any questions or comments you may send a message to the Administrator of this site.
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About The Venning family in Australia
This is our family tree as outlined in the book "A story of Vennings and their Jasper cousins" 1991. The anecdotes are included. 
 The book was a major undertaking of the Venning Family Association which had its first meeting at
 Effie Venning's place, at Magill, South Australia on the 22nd September 1985. The current President of the Association is Richard Venning. (rhandrvenning@hotmail.com)

Since June 2009 I have been adding to the family tree using first hand information from relatives, newspapers, SA genealogy website and Trove etc. It is important to me that the 'branches' keep growing.

PLEASE contact me if you are descendants of 
John & Jenny (or Jane) Venning nee Bath who arrived in South Australia in 1847
John & Mary Venning nee Jasper who arrived in SA in 1849
George & Grace Venning nee Jasper who arrived in SA in 1850

To become a (free) website member I need your details along with your parents/grandparents details so that I can locate you on the database. Then you are able to update details for your immediate family, from  Grandparents down. You may prefer to send the details of any corrections or updates needed to me at  jamiller@outlook.com.au

Please note that this is a ‘closed’ website. That means that you are welcome to view and use the website on the proviso that you don’t use living people’s personal information without their permission. People’s identities can be ’stolen’ if their names and dates of birth etc. are used in an unsafe manner.
This is why I have chosen the security setting that I have.

Other interested people can contact me for approval to become website guests.

 Last website update (by me) - 9 December 2024
Judy Miller (nee Venning)
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Getting Around
There are several ways to browse the family tree. The Tree View graphically shows the relationship of selected person to their kin. The Family View shows the person you have selected in the center, with his/her photo on the left and notes on the right. Above are the father and mother and below are the children. The Ancestor Chart shows the person you have selected in the left, with the photograph above and children below. On the right are the parents, grandparents and great-grandparents. The Descendant Chart shows the person you have selected in the left, with the photograph and parents below. On the right are the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Do you know who your second cousins are? Try the Kinship Relationships Tool. Your site can generate various Reports for each name in your family tree. You can select a name from the list on the top-right menu bar.

In addition to the charts and reports you have Photo Albums, the Events list and the Relationships tool. Family photographs are organized in the Photo Index. Each Album's photographs are accompanied by a caption. To enlarge a photograph just click on it. Keep up with the family birthdays and anniversaries in the Events list. Birthdays and Anniversaries of living persons are listed by month. Want to know how you are related to anybody ? Check out the Relationships tool.

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